an opportunity to discuss
when you return for you second visit, you will have an opportunity to share anything else that may have come up after our initial session, including new awareness’s in your body, any emotions that came up, or old memories or experiences pertaining to what brought you into our office. we’ll discuss what we discovered in your system during the initial visit and we’ll jump into the second adjustment so that we can get an understanding of how your system processed/integrated the first adjustment. we’ll take notice of subtle or major shifts in the tone of your system, as they are important for us so that our recommendations for care are in alignment with your outcomes
an opportunity to integrate
following the second adjustment, we’ll provide our recommendation for care moving forward, based on the results of your two adjustments, your history, and what outcomes you want for your health and your life.
to allow your system to recalibrate to the present moment, integrating past experiences, memories, and patterns of varying degrees of tone. All this so that you can experience what it’s like to live life in the in the present, connected to the infinite, where your presence is a catalyst for how the world unfolds for you. This is your opportunity to push past, through or over limiting beliefs about your potential to heal, and ultimately, experience what The Gift of Chiropractic can offer.
An Opportunity to Begin
the goal of this unwinding process is simply to have more space, or more awareness of your own system. each adjustment, gets you closer and closer, with more and more awareness of how your system holds tension and where the space is. through the course of care we will to empower you to know when your nervous system is dysregulated and what chiropractic can do to regulate it again. often times, we dictate the frequency of care for the first few weeks until you “come online”, and you develop a sense of what your system needs.